
Certified Food Service Professional

An industry specific professional qualification for the UK foodservice industry brought to you by the Foodservice Equipment Association (FEA).

The CFSP programme takes a systemic approach to understanding the foodservice industry. The programme has been designed to provide all who undertake it with a general overview of the entire industry along with a close look at the various functional co-relationships and interdependencies that exist within a specific foodservice operation.

It looks externally from a catering operation and examines the interrelationships between all of the key industry constituents. The study guide and its corresponding seminar provide a general overview of the numerous areas and disciplines that go into an effective and efficient foodservice design and operation.

"Having spent all of my working life, delivering roles, in and around the hospitality sector, I thought that I knew 'quite a bit!.' This fabulous course signposted the areas that I didn't know and validated my existing knowledge. My knowledge is undoubtedly more rounded as a result of going through this training framework! I thoroughly recommend CFSP to all my hospitality professional connections, wherever you are on your journey!" - Jessica Gurley-Ward, CFSP accredited in 2021. 

"It is a challenging course, but I would recommend this to anyone who wants to develop their overall knowledge of the Foodservice Industry," John Noble CFSP, Head of Commercial Catering, Lovat’s Group.
How can you attain CFSP accreditation?

  CFSP is open to anyone with a recommended two or more years experience in the foodservice industry.

  To successfully achieve a CFSP qualification, candidates are required to:

  • read the study guide "An Introduction to Food Service" prior to the seminar day
  • attend a day-long pre exam seminar
  • study for and pass a comprehensive exam
Any Questions? Contact Jocelyn Shawyer at jocelyn.shawyer@fea.org.uk or 07946 836788.
Not what you are looking for? If you are new to the foodservice equipment industry we recommend that you consider the Principles of Foodservice Course (PFS)

Continuing Professional Education

The CFSP Programme is a CPD accredited training course by The CPD Certification Service.

You can view the CPD course overview here.




How much does it cost?

A payment of £1100 plus VAT, (£695 + VAT for FEA/FSCI members) covers the test programme and evaluation of experience. In return you receive regular updates and information to recognise your status as a CFSP accredited professional.